Since the About Me limits me to a mere 1,200 characters, I've decided a separate static post is in order.
Who am I?
I'm a musician, horsewoman, fiber arts enthusiast, Parelli Natural Horsemanship student, graphic artist, cat lover, deep thinker, and—I suppose I should say—writer.
Born in 1963, I was raised in a college town in NW Ohio by parents who were wonderful, kind, generous, and loving, but also complex and at times confusing. They did their best, though. I wasn't an easy child to raise, I'm sure! Dad was a professor; Mom an artist; me, a conundrum, torn between being a Good Girl versus the Rebel screaming to get out.
Much of my angst was due to having been adopted when I was less than two weeks old, and the mysteries surrounding my truth and identity. When my birth family contacted me in 2005, much of the mystery was cleared up, and I began the process of rebuilding my identity based on a more complete truth.
In 2006, our lives turned upside down when my parents started their descent towards death. In the lonely, grief-filled months during and following, new insights and awareness began to emerge. I stumbled across a book by Dr. Joe Vitale called "The Attractor Factor".
My world blew wide open. Since then, I've been on a journey of self-exploration and growth. It has become the focus of my existence.
While I am not the same naive person I was in 2006, I'm still growing. This blog is the story of my journey. I hope you'll travel with me.