We are all blocked in some way. Mental obstacles are particularly effective at preventing us from pursuing our passions. One of the passages in Joe Vitale's book "Life's Missing Instruction Manual" was contributed by Cindy Cashman, Letting Go of Your Fears (p. 34-38). In it, she suggests,
to create and maintain a clear perspective, [I've] come up with three additional keys: Ask, Answer and Action.Today, I experimented with the first one, Ask. Cindy suggests asking yourself what is stopping you from achieving your desired outcome. Then, allow yourself to be totally honest and listen to what your inner self tells you. This is much more effective than simply bemoaning "Why..."
I gave it a shot. My biggest obstacle is allowing myself to uncover my limiting beliefs, oddly enough. I can uncover smaller ones, but I know (as referenced in my two previous posts this week) that they are merely offshoots of a much larger issue. So I decided to confront the Big One head-on. The answer wasn't completely surprising, but the details that came after it were. Following is what I typed, stream of consciousness, into my computer:
What is stopping me from going outside of my comfort zone and gaining perspective on what is blocking me?
Fear that if I do so, I'll come upon expectations. Fear that I'll have to live up to my expectations of myself, and fear that those expectations are too great for ANYONE to live up to.
Fear that I'll have to put action behind my words... but won't be able to follow through (because of lack of ___________: finances, energy, knowledge, age barriers, talent, experience... you name it).
I don't want to SEE what is blocking me, I don't want to look past my comfort zone because I'm afraid of what is on the other side. I'm afraid I'm not good enough for the role that's waiting for me on the other side of my comfort zone. I'm afraid I'll have to change too much and that at this "late date" in my life, many of those changes will now be impossible which will lead to failure and disappointment.
I don't want to see what I know I won't be able to be do or have (because it's too late) because the disappointment would kill me; I don't want to know what I could be do or have because then the pressure to become, act on or acquire that thing would be too much for me to bear.
I'm afraid I'm not strong enough to follow through on what is demanded of me if I step into the role waiting for me on the other side of my comfort zone. It's easier to stay put, to stagnate, to just exist as is because it's familiar, I know what the requirements are, I know that I can live "up" to it pretty well. I don't have to do much to be "nothing". Although... misery and depression are heavy crosses to bear, probably heavier than the lightness and joy that comes with being happy.
But it's too much to risk, so I stay in my comfort zone, I stay blocked, I stagnate.
(Boy, I gotta change this!!!!!)
My gosh. I just realized that I just saw the blocks.
Yep. I saw the blocks. It's a bit scary. But now I have something concrete to focus on changing. I really am ready to leave my comfort zone and grow. So... what's stopping YOU?
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