Looking back at my earliest belief system from the previous post, let's see if I can come up with counter intentions to dismantle these limiting beliefs.
- 1. Authority figures are bad and controlling and cannot be trusted
- Authority figures may in some cases be bad or untrustworthy, it's true. But the key point here is about CONTROL.
- NO ONE can control you unless you allow them to, give them permission to control you. I am in control. I control my destiny through my thoughts and the subsequent actions that are in alignment with my thoughts. I have the ability to direct my thoughts and actions in a way that manifests my best reality, regardless of who I encounter.
- 2. I'm rubbish/under par
- Simply not true. If this is based on being given up for adoption ie abandoned, then look at the truth you've come to know: you WERE wanted. You were a victim only of another's bad choices, choices they regret. You are special, valuable, worthy, and vitally important to this world. You are ABOVE par. You are awesome. (I'm saying this to myself.)
- 3. I'm the last resort choice
- See above. You are top choice, first class, A Number One, King of the Hill! You are the BEST choice. Your a-parents wanted YOU desperately. All you need to do is want yourself as desperately and enthusiastically.
- 4. Work extra hard to be good enough or they'll change their minds and dump you
- You don't have to work hard to be good enough, you are already far better than good enough and being better than good enough comes easily to you. If anyone ever walks away from you, it is their loss, not yours. Be the best You that you can be, but do it for yourself.
- 5. Conformity is the key to success
- Nope. INDIVIDUALITY is. Life is like one of those 50,000-piece puzzles. If every piece were the same, the puzzle would be boring to solve and quite possibly wouldn't work right. If everyone on the planet were the same, why have multiples? Every puzzle piece is unique, and each one has a special unique place in the picture. Lose one piece and the picture is incomplete. Try to force one into a place it doesn't belong or fit and it will throw off the picture. We are all here with unique, individual talents and gifts to contribute to the world, and each of us is equally vital.
- 6. A leopard is not allowed to change his spots
- Yes, he is. He's even capable of doing so. You are not here to please others by being something you are not. So don't do it. Instead, embrace your own spots, and if you don't like them, CHANGE them. Some may change with you, others may not. Those that don't should be allowed to fall away as their energies are wrong in combination with yours. If you refuse to change because you're worried about how others will handle it, you are giving their approval of you the permission to control you (see #1 above)! You can become anything, do anything, and have anything you want to be, do or have! If it makes you happy...
- 7. Life should be hard, otherwise it's meaningless
- Life was not meant to be hard! The Universe is abundant. The Divine Creator of the Universe wants us to share in that abundance. If things are too hard, then perhaps you're going about it the wrong way because when you are in alignment with your True Purpose, God shows the way, right? When you are properly aligned, you send out the right energy, which attracts to you the right opportunities to help you get where you're supposed to be. Life is, in fact, MORE meaningful when you are easily attracting to you the things you want to be, do or have, and when you are walking in alignment with your true purpose.
- 8. Generosity is motivated by sympathy: he who is most pathetic wins
- The first half of this might be somewhat true. The second half is not. I do know that I'd rather go through life feeling empowered than feeling pathetic; being successful rather than a failure; and being generous out of the kindness of my heart regardless of the story or perceived "deservedness" because it's just the right thing to do. In fact, generosity offered freely before a story is given is even better. Generosity with your friends, your loved ones—that's beautiful. It's good to give to the less fortunate, too, but NOT JUST to them. Giving only to them and withholding your generosity from, say, your family because they don't "need" it is in itself pathetic. So give just to give. Let generosity itself be your motivation for giving.
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