Wednesday, September 23, 2009

What Are You WHYning About?

What are you WHYning about today?

We all do it. We all find ourselves saying, "Why me?" or "Why did that happen again?" Some say the cure is to ask "Well, why NOT me?" I say we can probe deeper and make permanent changes. You see, I've noticed something.

The interesting thing about our complaints is that they tend to answer the very questions they ask.

Beliefs generate thought energy that attracts situations and circumstances that are in alignment with the belief. Whatever we believe, we speak aloud to others as statements—or as complaints. If the situation is favorable in our opinion, we proclaim it as a statement. But if the situation is not to our liking, we complain about it, and it usually comes out as a WHYne.

Here is an example of a standard WHYne:

Why does it always seem like every time I get close to getting ahead, something comes along to undo it?

Well... it's because this is what your belief IS!

Just remove the "why does" part and turn it into a sentence/statement, and the belief hidden within the complaint is revealed.

(Why does) it always seem like every time I get close to getting ahead, something comes along to undo it(?)


It always seem(s) like every time I get close to getting ahead, something comes along to undo it!

So why does it seem this way? Because it just does! Because YOU believe that it does.

What is the positive opposite of this belief? Well, there are a lot of options. One possibility is this:

It always seems like every time I get close to getting ahead, something comes along to make it even better.

Or, you could try:
I'm so glad that I seem to be getting ahead now.

You could even go so far as to turn a positive opposite into a tongue-in-cheek WHYne, but with a positive aspect:

Why does it always seem so easy for me to get ahead?

I mean, if we're going to complain, at least we can get into the habit of complaining positively, right?

Change the belief that is hidden within the WHYne, and you will change your life. Now—what have YOU been WHYning about today?

**Podcast Update: It's coming! Life happened along with a few technical glitches, but stay tuned.***


Matthew Welsh said...

I think it's okay to have complaints, but just not to dwell on them. Our complaints can lead us to what we really want from life.

JB at MM said...

Matthew, I agree with you. Complaints CAN lead us to what we really want out of life, if we turn the complaint into a statement first so that we can clearly see the belief holding us back from what we want.

Once this has been done, the limiting belief can be cleared, and the positive opposite can be installed--which leads directly into what we truly desire.

Thank you for visiting! :-)

Anonymous said...

What a great post. It is human nature to have complaints or to dwell on issues that upset or bother us. The hardest thing to learn is to just let it go. There are some great media out there that helps center your mind and allow more positive thoughts to enter.

I found this site while browsing. It has some good articles and free downloads.

They have a self hypnosis exercise that really helps relieve stress.

Keep up the good writing.