Friday, February 27, 2009

Gratitude and Now

I came up with a couple of new prayers today that I thought I'd share with you:
Thank you God, that I have more than enough of all good things, plenty to share, and freedom from desire, want and need. Amen.
That’s it. No need to ask for money, love, stuff, food, etc. Just assume He is providing me constantly with more than enough so I can share my wealth (of all types) generously, and that I’m free from desire (cravings, yearnings, wanting what is lacking). That’s a good place to be, eh? And I can be there right now. That's much better than arriving there "someday in the future".

The other one is more of an affirmation:
Right now, I am happy!
As I am,
Where I am,
With what I have,
And who I am...
Because I choose to be.
Thank You, God, and God Bless Me! Amen.
Have a wonderful weekend.

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