Monday, September 15, 2008


I realized something in a flash today.

The outcomes I've been waiting to manifest are on their way. But I haven't seen it like that.

The estate closing, the house sales, my future—it's all been this ephemeral, foggy "out there someday" kind of vision. The outcomes have had no solidity, no depth or tangibility to them.

This kind of focus, or lack thereof, is what has held them at bay. My thought process, which was that I was standing here in one spot waiting for things to come TO me, is the culprit.

It's akin to waiting at the bus stop for a bus you aren't certain is ever going to come. You don't know the schedule or if the bus even runs past here anymore. You wait, you watch, you check the time... you wonder if you should leave... afraid to leave because you KNOW the bus will arrive the minute you do...

And so you stand still and wait, visualizing everything as "out there", swirling around you, never making contact.

The realization that snapped me out of it was this:

One day, the estate has to close. It cannot stay open forever. One day, the house will sell. Houses can be on the market for a long time but not for all eternity. EVENTUALLY, things must change. The day will arrive when all of this happens.

But I'm not standing motionless in time. Time is moving. Time is carrying me forward. Every moment that I am alive, I am moving toward the day when the estate closes, toward the day when the houses sell, toward my next birthday/Christmas/next Spring...

I am in progress. I am ON MY WAY TO IT.

I might not be able to "see" it yet in my mind, but I am on my way TO it. Whatever "it" represents.


That concept knocked me right over.

Now I see myself as walking along, firmly on the path to my outcome. I'm on a road. Maybe it's out in the country where signs are few and far between. But I'm on the road. I'm pointed in the right direction. With every step I am one step closer. Pretty soon, I'll see a tiny green rectangle hovering above the horizon. As I get closer, I'll see that it is a roadsign. The closer I get, the more visible the words:

"Outcome, 60 miles ahead"

I'll keep walking, or maybe I'll start jogging. Then more signposts, telling me Outcome is 30 miles, 20, 10, 5. The skyline of Outcome will emerge into view. And then...

Here I am.

I've arrived. I'm at Outcome. I'm IN Outcome. And all is well.

I'm not standing still waiting for it to come TO me. I am on my way, getting there, going to IT, and every moment brings me one step closer to being there.

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