Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Energy Shifts

I've been struggling with a few concepts today, but I’ve had insights. Big ones. The main point is:

If I put out half-assed energy, I’ll get back half-assed energy and results.

My struggle has been with doubt and hesitation over actually pursuing a new home business venture that I've been thinking about doing. Being the crafty creative type, with a background in fiber arts, I've been mulling over the possibility of turning my art into profit. This past month, against all logic (because I'm in need of a funding injection, bills are due, and I'm still liberated from the workforce), I took a small risk and invested a tiny bit of money in supplies and equipment for said venture. I launched into it with great gusto.

Then came the procrastination after the first efforts were complete.

I was happy with my results, yet... this nagging feeling began to grow. Since then, I've been finding all sorts of reasons not to focus on my art.

Now, when I think about getting up to do the artistic thing, in the back of my mind this voice of doubt pipes up, saying:

“I shouldn’t be doing this, I should be out looking for a job.”

Yes, I realize I am shoulding all over myself and that's a big LOA no-no.

Well, it occurred to me that no matter how productive I’m being all day over the dye pots, if I’m doing it with THAT energy going out alongside of it, with this little voice in the back of my head nagging at me and insisting I should be elsewhere, then...

What energy am I going get in return?

I'll tell you what: a whole lot of evidence to support that voice that said “I told you you should have been out looking for a job rather than futzing around with that silly little 'hobby' of yours”.

But... what if the energy shifted?

What if I purposely shifted the energy? What if I was actively engaged in my creative pursuits with the constant conscious refrain of:

“THIS is what I’m meant to be doing RIGHT NOW, this is what I AM doing, and this is what is supporting me and my furry loved ones for the next several months or years and it IS successful”?

What do you suppose might happen?

My feeling is that the energy shift is all it would take to change everything for the better. My guess is, I'd be more productive, more enthusiastic, and doors full of opportunities would fly open before me. My guess is, success would begin to chase ME down.

This is so simple, yet so darned hard at the same time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I hear your struggle. It is a wonderful journey but it can be difficult at the same time.

I have had great insights as well in the past few weeks. My coach has helped me identify and own my purpose. Awesome. It feels so liberating.

Now although what I was doing was in alignment with my purpose. It wasn't until I owned my purpose that I felt peace. Confidence.

I recently started EFT tapping around abundance issues. Carol Look has a great free newsletter at http://www.attractingabundance.com. Sign up fo it and then go to her back issuses to get a specific newsletter with regards to your situation. She shows you what to say and where to taP. It is fantastic.

I have been saying The Prosperity Prayer by Will Cowen as shared by Joe Vitale. It is very powerful and the peace that I and others have received is amazing.

I hope some of these things help with the nagging little "doubt" voice in our heads.

Abundance to you JB. You deserve it.

